I truly appreciated our video-conference today with Dr. Bette Gray.
One observation was that Dr. Gray created a very open and welcoming atmosphere. I think this is an essential skill when you are trying to build trust and respect. She was curious about our background and she wanted to ensure that she was providing us with a discussion that would be relevant for our learning - I really appreciated this! Dr. Gray’s great sense of humour quickly became apparent when she was addressing some difficult issues and concerns that arose during today’s conference. Like the other great leaders we have met, Dr. Gray was very open and upfront with us during our discussion.
I was interested in learning about the policy framework and the process involved in bringing issues to the forefront. We need to be able to frame a problem in a way that people will listen, how problems are defined can be significant for getting your issue heard. She also advised us to support our issue with research and identify how we might move forward with a logical approach.
Another important point that she discussed today was the “convergence windows”. When situations grab the public’s attention there may be an opportunity to bring an issue forward.
She pointed out that now is a good time to update the policy framework. There may be a policy window as technologies have changed and the Learning Minister is conferring with the public about the direction we are heading with technology in education.
I really appreciated her the point she was making when she said - just because (students) can use the technology, do they have the skills that we want them to have?
Today’s conference was very informative and I think that Dr. Gray was truly interested in what we had to say!
Significant quotes from today:
- “this isn’t about technology” – how do we link the policy responses to where we need to go. (An unknown principal’s remark when addressing his staff).
- “one thing leadership does is change culture” Dr. Bette Gray
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